lunedì 19 luglio 2021

Allora, la prendiamo questa barca per la terra dei sogni?

Allora, la prendiamo questa barca per la terra dei sogni?

Won't you come along with me, 
To the Mississippi 
We'll take a boat to the land of dreams 
Steam down the river, 
Down to New Orleans 
The bands there to meet us, 
Old friends to greet us 
Where all the elite, always meet, 
Heaven on earth they call it Basin Street 

Basin Street is the street where the elite, always meet 
In New Orleans land of dreams 
You never know how nice it seems 
Or how much it really means 
Glad to be, yes siree, where welcome Street, 
Dear to me 
Where I can lose my Basin Street blues 


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recensione al mio romanzo a cura di Antonio Gelormini

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